Friday, April 30, 2010

زندگی در تورونتو چقدر هزینه دارد؟

Toronto’s cost of living – how much do I need to live in Toronto?
There are several areas that you will have to think about so that you understand how much it will cost to live in Toronto. We have described six main areas of financial expenses. You should see if they apply to your situation and how you can put them into your monthly or yearly budget.
The government of Canada expects you to be financially independent when you arrive in Canada. One of the most important things they will be looking for is your ability to financially support your family members.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada provides information telling you how much you should expect to spend on your family each year.  If you have not arranged for employment here in Canada, you will have to prove that you have specific amounts of money saved.

Health care

The Ontario government provides free health insurance to residents of this province but you will not be eligible for the Ontario Health Insurance Plan benefits until you have been here three months. That's why it is recommended that you buy private health-care coverage. Approximate costs for private coverage vary.

Individual - private insurance (approximate) $330
Family - private insurance (approximate) $680
More information:

Job Search Job
If you are not familiar with how to apply for a job within the Canadian job market, you may have to pay for your resume and a cover letter to done for you. Especially within the professional levels of employment, both of these items are expected. Your application will not be taken seriously if you don’t have a resume and covering letter.
Resume writing $150 - $500
Cover letter $75 - $100
There are employment agencies that can assist you with your resume so that your costs are much less than if you hire a professional resume writer. You should contact the employment agencies we have listed in our Working section.
More information:

Food Costs
A family of four
Fruits and vegetablesThe average weekly cost for food for a family of four in Toronto is $136.28 ($590.09 per month average). These amounts are based on the province of Ontario's 2008 Nutritious Food Basket. Included in these figures are 66 items from the four food groups recommended in Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Living.

There are many different types of fruits and vegetables available here in Canada. Some may be different from what you are used to but they are still very good to eat. Toronto Public Health provides a listing of many types of fruits and vegetables available in our city. Quite often in the grocery stores you will find a section called ‘produce’. This is where the fruits and vegetables are sold.
More information:

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tax refund in Canada

Some other last minute reminders on deductions and tax credits:
Home Renovation Tax Credit: If you redid your kitchen, built a deck, replaced the roof or did other home renovations you can claim it on your taxes for 2009 only. You’ll get a 15 per cent tax credit on any expenditure above $1,000 and up to $10,000. Get an official receipt that has the name and GST number of the vendor, as well as details on the work that was done. Don’t forget equipment rentals or the cost of building plans or permits.
Capital losses: These can be carried forward indefinitely, or carried back to recover the taxes paid on capital gains in any of the last three years.
Child Fitness tax credit: This is worth up to $500 for each child under 16 who is enrolled in an eligible physical fitness activity. Hockey, soccer, karate, football, basketball, swimming, hiking, horseback riding, and sailing are typically eligible, depending on how long the sessions are. The organization responsible for the activity should issue a receipt that include the activity, your child’s name and year of birth, and the amount paid for the program.
Transit Pass tax credit: monthly and yearly transit passes are eligible for this one. You can claim the cost for any dependent child under 19 but keep the passes or the receipt.
Child care: If you hired a nanny, babysitter, or sent your child to daycare in order to work or attend school, this tax deduction is worth up to $7,000 per child under 7 years old and $4,000 for those between 7 and 16 years. For a child under 17 who is eligible to receive the disability tax credit, the limit is $10,0000. The spouse with the lower income gets the deduction.
Tuition, education and textbook credits: These credits allow students to reduce their income taxes by taking into account their tuition fees, as well as an education tax credit worth $400 per month for full-time students and $120 per month for part-time students. The textbook tax credit is worth $65 per month for full-time students and $20 per month for part-time students. If the students’ income is too low to make use of these credits, they can be transferred to a parent or carried forward for use in the future.
Medical expenses: there’s a long list of expenses that qualify from acoustic couplers and air conditioners to walking aids and wigs. See the Canada Revenue Agency website or use online tax software for details.
Canada Revenue Agency will use your return to calculate whether you are entitled to government payouts such as the Canada Child Tax Credit and the GST credit.
Also this year, Ontario will be offering a sales tax transition credit to take the sting out of the new Harmonized Sales Tax, which takes effect July 1. Filing on time when get you those rebates sooner.
If you’re lucky enough to get a big tax refund, make the most of it. For parents with young children, Galvin suggests socking it away in a Registered Education Savings Plan. “That way you make the most of the government grants that are available.”
Tempting as it may seem to blow your refund on a new flat screen television or last-minute getaway, experts say to resist the urge. Pay down your debt, or save it in your Registered Retirement Savings Plan or Tax-Free Savings Account instead.
If you have a few minutes to spare, explain to your children that you’re filing an income tax return, what that means, and why it’s so important, said John Waters, manager of tax planning at BMO Nesbitt Burns.
Make the effort, especially if you have teenagers – who, by the way, can file a return to account for the income they made from a summer job. That way they can start building up contribution room for their own RRSP.
“They’re out making money on a summer job and there’s all those deductions, for EI and CPP and they don’t really understand why. Explain that this is how the system works. It’s an important life lesson: death and taxes, everybody has to deal with these things,” Waters said.
“I will never forget when I was a teenager and my mother sat me down and walked me through my tax return. It was really eye-opening for me to understand how the system works.”
Also see:

TSX jumps to triple-digit gain as Greek fears ease

European debt crisis spreads to Spain

Bank of Canada too hawkish on rates, CIBC report argues

Ref:Toronto star

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

درسهای فرامو ش نشدنی

چيزهاي بي ارزش را نچشيد " ،
اين بدان معني است كه خيلي از مردم خود را درگير استرس و به انجام رساندن كارهاي بي ارزش مي كنند كه در نهايت در مقابل اهداف اصلي زندگي ، هيچ ارزشي ندارند وقتي آنقدر خود را درگير اين مسائل كوچك مي كنيم ديگر جايي براي نيل به آرزوهايمان باقي نگذاشته ايم و از لحظات خود هيچ لذتي نمي بريم.

2-"زندگي غير قابل پيش بيني است " و ممكن است هر لحظه شما را در شيب وفراز قرار دهد " .
فقط بگوييد "هرگز" و بعد ببينيد چه اتفاقي مي افتد . براي مقابله با گره هايي كه زندگي در مسير شما قرار داده است ، تنها با ذهني باز و
خوش بين ، به آنها خوش آمد بگوييد !!

3- خسته كننده ترين واژه در هر زبان " من " است .
بله تصور اين است كه تكرار اين كلمه اعتماد به نفس را بالا مي برد. ولي خوب! بيشتر وقتها همه ي آن چيزيي كه در مورد خود با تكرار " من " توضيح و تعريف مي كنيد، واقعيت ندارد! اينكه يك نفر دائما" از خود و فضايل خود تمجيد و تفسير كند ، بسيار خسته كننده و يكنواخت است . اين حالت "خود محوري " است نه "اعتماد به نفس "

4-انسانيت مهم تر از ماديات است .
اهميت روابط اجتماعي بسيار مهم تر از درجات مادي است كه هر كدام از ما در
مسير آرزوها به آنها مي رسيم. بدون محبت و عشق و حمايت خانواده و دوستان در زندگي ، موفقيت هاي مادي ، خيلي لذت بخش نخواهد بود. با ايجاد تعادل در ملاك هاي برتري و ارزش هاي خود ، از ثبات زندگي بيشتري بهره خواهيد برد.

5- به غير از خودتان ، هيچ كس ديگر نمي تواند شما را راضي كند !
رضايت و راحتي ذهن شما تنها به عهده خودتان است ! بله ، روابط اجتماعي ، زندگيمان را پر بار تر مي كند ، اما خوب ، شايد اين روابط به تنهايي باعث
شادكامي و رضايت شما نشود.

6- درجه ي كمال و شخصيت
كمالات براي هر شخص زيباست . كلام و اعمال نيك ، به دنبال خود ، اعتماد و
اطمينان دوستان را در پي دارد . براي رسيدن به اين درجه ، تلاش كنيد .

7- بياموزيد كه خود ، ديگران و حتي دشمنان خود را ببخشيد.
انسان جايز الخطاست ، همه ما اشتباه ميكنيم ، ولي با كينه توزي و يادآوري صدمات گذشته ، تنها اين خودمان هستيم كه از زندگي لذت نمي بريم نه ديگران !!

8- "خنده" داروي هر "درد" است .
با خوشرويي و تبسم ، دردهاي خود را درمان كنيد.

9- تغذيه خوب ، استراحت ، ورزش و هواي تازه ، را فراموش نكنيد.
سلامتي خود را دست كم نگيريد . با رعايت اين نكات ، از وضعيت جسمي ايده آل خود ، لذت ببريد .

10- اراده اي مصمم ، شما را به هر چيزي كه مي خواهيد ، مي رساند .
هرگز تسليم نشويد و به دنبال رسيدن به آرزوها و اهداف خود تلاش كنيد.

11- تلويزيون ، ذهن ما را بيشتر از هر چيزي نابود مي كند !
از تلويزيون كناره گيري كنيد و با ورزش ، مطالعه و يادگيري ، ذهن خود را فعال كنيد.

12- شكست را بپذيريد .
هر كسي در زندگي ممكن است بارها و بارها شكست بخورد. شكست آموزنده است به ما ياد مي دهد كه چطور متواضع باشيم و راه درست تري را براي جبران آن انتخاب كنيم . توماس اديسون با شكستهاي متمادي توانست به هدف خود برسد ، او مي گفت :" من شكست نخوردم ، تنها ده ها هزار راه را امتحان كردم كه برايم مفيد نبود ! و به نتيجه نرسيد !"

13- از اشتباهات ديگران درس عبرت بگيريد .
يكي از بودائيات پير چنين مي گويد :" يك مرد دانا كسي است كه از اشتباهات خود درسي نيك بياموزد و اما داناتر كسي است كه از اشتباهات ديگران درس عبرت بگيرد".

14- از محبت به ديگران دريغ نكنيد .
زندگي كوتاه است و پايان آن نامعلوم . پس سعي كنيد محبت كنيد تا محبت ببينيد .

15- آنچنان زندگي كنيد كه گويي روز آخر عمرتان است !!!
همواره سعي كنيد بهترين و مهربان ترين همسر ، رفيق و حتي مهربانترين و بهترين رئيس باشيد ، تا زمان وداع با اين دنيا به دنيايي زيباتر دست يابيم

منبع ایرانتو. 
قالب جدید
امروز بالاخره میخواهم جدی آغاز کنم فعلا قالب آن را تغییر دادم بعدا شروع میکنم اولین بازدید کننده جایزه دارد